Thursday, October 13, 2011

Night out at Hyderabad...

After coming to Hyderabad, always had a wish to visit almost whole Old Hyderabad in night, especially after sunset, though I did it earlier but today it was somewhat really fascinating, Tonight I went through the places like Karwan, Purana Pool, Husaini Alam, Chowk, the great Laad Bazar, Pathergatti, Afzalganj, Goshamahal, Mozamjahi Market, Nampally, Red Hills and all the other real places of Hyderabad. Delicious chicken items at Kababbis and then Osmania Biscuits and Tea and other bakery items of Niloufar then Pan and other staffs really made my one memorable night out at Hyderabad. Even the heavy rain also added to it which has almost cleaned the whole city. Enjoyed it. Something special…

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