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CFP on "Desire and Deceit: India in the Europeans' Gaze" Posted: 28 Jan 2015 09:41 AM PST
Two Day National Seminar on
Literature of the Marginalised: Voices of the Subaltern in Indian Literature
Organized by
Centre for Comparative Literature, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady
Literature of the marginalized is a major area of the contemporary post colonial and post modern studies which is very relevant to the study of Comparative Literature. India is a nation where many cultures, languages and religions co exist. This has contributed to the cultural diversity and lives of our people. However, the voices of the deprived and marginalized have been pushed to the peripheries because of social and political reasons. The literature and arts of the suppressed and exploited sections of the society come into the forefront, giving new dimensions to the study of culture.
Centre for Comparative literature, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady is organizing a two day National Seminar on the topic "Literature of the Marginalised: Voices of the Subaltern in Indian Literature" on 10th and 11th February 2015. The proposed seminar will examine the various aspects of the subject. Meena Kandaswamy, renowned Tamil writer, activist, translator and artist has kindly agreed to inaugurate the Seminar. Eminent scholars and writers will be participating in the Seminar.
Contributory papers are invited on the following sessions:
1. Dalit Literature: Works, Criticism and Theory
2. Folk and Minority Literature
3. Forms of Resistance in contemporary Indian Literature
Those who are interested to present their papers should send the abstract of the paper, not exceeding 200 words on or before 2nd February 2015. The title of the paper and author's full address may be given with email address. Acceptance of the paper will be communicated within two days after scrutiny. The full text of the paper to be presented along with a soft copy of the same should be submitted at the time of presentation.
The abstract of the paper may be sent to the coordinator, Centre for Comparative Literature, SSUS Kalady to the following email address janakianun@gmail.com, praseethakmahesh@gmail.com .
Staff & students
Kalady Centre for Comparative Literature
Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit,
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
Cordially invites you to Lecture and an Interactive Session with
Debojit Majumder & Sanjay Singha
"Chena Kintu Ajana: Female Impersonators of Jatra"
Friday, January 23, 2015; 11.30 am
Conference Hall, Department of Urdu
School of Humanities, UoH
Documentary Screening
In Collaboration with the Department of Communication, UoH
'Chena Kintu Ajana – Known Strangers':
A Film on History of Jatra Folk Theatre, 96 minutes
Friday, January 23, 2015; 2.30 pm
Class Room II, Department of Communication
SN School of Arts and Communication, UoH
The Department of Communication
Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication
University of Hyderabad, India
Invites you to a panel discussion
Whether to be (or not to be) Charlie Hebdo:
Respecting Freedoms, Resisting Violence
Opinions have been flying fast and furious, across social media, in the newspapers, and on television talk shows. Images of protest both violent and peaceful, caricature and contestation, anguish and anger, words that tumble over each other in the desire to defend free speech and equally vehement counterpoints that explain the violent responses and just barely stop short of justifying them…we live in confusing times, and the most reflective of us are defeated by the challenge of a nuanced, balanced response. Is such a balance even possible in the face of intolerance and its violent manifestations? What are the threads of fact and imagination that we can draw together to make sense of events such as the violent response to the cartoons in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo earlier this month, or similar events in the not-so-distant past in not-so-distant places?
Join us to explore these and related questions
When: Thursday, January 22, 2015; 4:00 p.m.
Where: C V Raman Auditorium
Science Complex, University of Hyderabad
Gachibowli, Hyderabad
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
Journalist, film maker and media commentator
Kishalay Bhattacharjee
Broadcast journalist and writer
Jyotirmaya Sharma
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad
Mir Ayoob Alik Khan
Special Affairs Editor, The Times of India, Hyderabad
Prof. Vinod Pavarala, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad
UNESCO Chair on Community Media
Announcement: Meenakshi Mukherjee Memorial Prize 2014
We are delighted to announce that the Meenakshi Mukherjee Memorial Prize 2014 has been awarded to Dr Nilanjana Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi for her essay " Drawing Roads, Building Empire: Space and Circulation in Charles D'Oyly's Indian Landscape", published in the journal, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies(Routledge, 2014). Our warmest congratulations to Nilanjana for the MM Prize, which is awarded to the Best Paper published in the year preceding the conference, i.e. (2013-2014) by a member of IACLALS.
This years's Meenakshi Mukherjee Prize was judged by a panel of 3 distinguished judges: Professor Suman Gupta (Open University, U.K.), Professor Avadesh K Singh (Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi) and Professor GJV Prasad (Jawaharlal University, Delhi, and Chair, IACLALS).
There were 10 entries for the Prize, and Professor Anjali Gera Roy's paper was adjudged a close second, and Rohini M Punekar's a close third, for which we would like to congratulate them as well.
We are beholden to the judges for sparing their valuable time and expertise to read and evaluate the essays, and the 10 IACLALS members who honoured Meenakshi Mukherjee by submitting their excellent scholarship for the Prize. The Meenakshi Mukherjee Prize will be formally awarded to Dr Nilanjana Mukherjee at the IACLALS Annual Conference 2015 to be held at BITS Pilani – Goa, from February 12-14, 2015.
M Asaduddin
Moderator & Vice Chair, IACLALS
Department of Mass Media of Kishinchand Chellaram College, one of South Mumbai's premier colleges, takes pleasure in inviting all media professionals and academicians to a national conference on 'Visual Media Culture' organised by the Dept of Mass Media, K.C. College to be held at the Colaba Campus on 20th & 21st February, 2015.
The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians as well as industry professionals from all over the country to present their research papers and development activities on various facets of 'Visual Media Culture'.
Kishinchand Chellaram College was established in 1954 under the aegis of the Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board, H(S) NC Board. This year K.C. College is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee. (1954-2014)
Bachelor of Mass Media, an undergraduate program was started in the year 2000 and since then has been at the forefront of the new media movement in teaching. The Department of Mass Media has been listed among the Top 10 mass communication departments in the country by the India Today magazine for three years in a row- 2012,2013& 2014 (June 2014 edition).
The dept uses innovative methods of learning and development for the benefit of the students. We have been fortunate, to have good academicians and some of the best people from the industry to be the part of our programme.
Looking at the demand for media professionals, K.C College started a two-year Master's course, MACJ (Master's in Communication and Journalism) in 2011 and one more post graduate course: MA EMA (Entertainment, Media & Advertising) from academic year 2014-2015. All courses are affiliated to & recognised by the University of Mumbai and are successfully running in full strength.
Department regularly conducts certificate courses in video production, photography and scriptwriting. These popular courses are open to students from any faculty and from different colleges.
The conference committee has decided the theme for this year's conference as "Visual Media Culture".
This inter-disciplinary conference aims at becoming at a melting pot of ideas on visual media and the diverse cultures it has birthed, nurtured, propounded, adapted into, as well as helped evolve. Visual media is invested in a multitude of mediums including television, photography, film, digital imaging, new media, architecture, design, mixed media and graphical arts. Visual media culture is spread across a range of social arenas, including news, art, science, advertising, popular culture. In many ways it spices up our everyday lives.
Technological advancements in the media sphere and the near transformation of media as a micro-communicator has heralded a new world of visualities where participation and self-representation interact with variety of visual codes which can be imaginary, empirical or even systemic.
From mobile phone's touch screen interface to signboards on the highway, from graphical art adorning airport terminals to evolving designs of newspapers, from typography to photography; visual media culture can be explored in many contexts: as standalones, or in a direct contrast with each other; as a system or a part of a larger meaning, within social institutions or as a rebellion, as an element of culture or as a singular ethnic signature; as an identity or as an influence in the formation of certain individualities.
With the hope to explore this rich and multi-dimensional area of study, we invite papers from academics, students, researchers, professionals and other enthusiasts, on the abovementioned theme. We hope to have panels on a variety of sub-themes listed below, but we are open to any alternate exploration of the theme as well.
Thrust areas of the conference:
We look forward to your paper presentations &participation at the conference.
Last date for submission of Abstract: January 24th 2015
Registration fees: (i) Academicians & Professionals – Rs.15oo/-
(ii) Students - Rs. 500/-
For any information, kindly contact us on: kccbmm@gmail.com; massmedia@kccollege.org.in.
Tel.no: 022-22826122
Thanking you
With best wishes and kind regards,
Ms. Manjula Srinivas,
Head, Dept. of Mass Media
Please send the abstract to Ms. Manjula Srinivas.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. All abstracts should be in MS Word format as an attachment.. All the abstracts will be peer reviewed by the expert committee.
Accepted research papers will be published in an academic journal with an ISSN number.
Deadline for submission of abstracts January 24, 2015
Notification of Acceptance January 30, 2015
Deadline for Registration February 14, 2015
Deadline for submission of full paper February 15, 2015
Conference February 20-21, 2015
Academician/Professionals (Paper Presenter) Rs. 1500/-
Foreign Delegates (Paper Presenter) $ 350 (USD)
Academician/Professionals (Participation only) Rs. 1000/-
Research Scholars Rs. 800/-
Students (without accommodation) Rs. 500/-
Academician/Professionals (Paper Presenter) Rs. 2000/-
Foreign Delegates (Paper Presenter) $ 400 (USD)
Academician/Professionals (Participation only) Rs. 1500/-
Research Scholars Rs. 1200/-
Students Rs. 750/-
1. Tea, Lunch and evening tea
2. Conference kit and Material
Payment should be made in the form of a Demand Draft in favour of "K. C. College payable at Mumbai.
Fill up the Registration Form and submit it.
Paper Submission Guidelines and Style sheet
Author will follow the APA Style for the submission.
Include one separate title page containing title, author/s, affiliation/s and the address, phone, fax and e-mail of the lead author.
All the abstracts will be peer reviewed by the expert committee.
Research paper should be based on the main or the subthemes of the conference.
Abstract length should be between 250 to 300 words.
Full Paper should not be more than 3000 words.
It must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing using MS- Word application in English and only ISM DVB- TT Surekh font 14pt in single space Marathi / Hindi.
The author should give at the end of the paper his / her e-mail ID, contact number and address with pin code. The research paper should be submitted to the following e- mail ids.
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