Monday, February 2, 2015

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and the Subject of South Asia

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and the Subject of  South Asia
Science Fiction Studies plans a special issue on the subject of South Asia in science fiction. This includes sf that explores some aspect of the South Asia as well as sf by  authors from the region. We are interested in both historical and contemporary approaches, explorations of authors who write in English or in other languages, theoretical and analytical articles, examinations of trends in South Asian sf, and the treatment of South Asia in sf, for instance. Strong original critical theses are a must. We welcome submissions from scholars in the region and elsewhere, although submissions must be in English, the language of the journal. Please be advised that all submissions go through a rigorous peer-reviewed process,  must show knowledge of sf scholarship, and conform to SFS submission policy. Complete articles due by November 2015. Preliminary inquiries may be sent to Joan Gordon,
SFS will not review article submissions that are under consideration elsewhere or that have been published previously.
GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION. When submitting an article to SFS, please format it according to the following guidelines:
1. PC-compatible files only (MS Word or WordPerfect preferred);
2. required length: 5,000-15,000 words;
3. on a separate page, include your name and your postal and e-mail addresses, the title of your essay, and a brief abstract of its contents (3-5 sentences);
4. for the text itself: margins at 1", double spaced, font size 12 pt. or smaller;
5. use MLA Style for all documentation;
6. include Notes and Works Cited at the end as regular text. In other words, please do NOT use the "automatic" footnote/endnote function on your word processor to generate these. They sometimes tend to disappear when traveling through cyberspace or when the document is converted.
For matters of writing style with respect to endnotes, works cited, and references in running text, contributors should follow the style of the MLA Style Manual, 1999. Precise information on the following must be provided. For books: the place of publication, publisher, date, and page numbers for quoted or paraphrased passages, and (for articles in anthologies) inclusive page numbers. If the edition cited is a later edition, provide also the date of the first edition. For articles in periodicals: volume number or (if there is no volume number) whole number, date of issue cited, page numbers for quoted or paraphrased passages, and inclusive page numbers.

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