Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Saturday, May 28, 2016
UGC Invites ONLINE Applications for Various Fellowships/Scholarships.
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Monday, May 23, 2016
Cafe Dissensus Issue 26: July 2016: In the Shadow of the Larger Faiths: The Minor Faiths of South Asia
Issue 26: July 2016: In the Shadow of the Larger Faiths: The Minor Faiths of South Asia [Last date for submission: 15 June, 2016; Date of publication: 15 July, 2016]
Guest-Editor: Sipra Mukherjee, Professor, Department of English, West Bengal State University, India.
Concept Note: Short articles and essays are invited to explore the multi-faith context in South Asia, where a great number of sects/faiths/religions abound, which cannot be neatly pigeon-holed into the existing major religions. These faiths may have been born out of syncretism or a challenge to the more established faiths or simply out of the need for a new faith.
In this issue of Café Dissensus, we would be looking for writings that explore the beginnings of these practices or these faiths in their particular contexts, thus revealing how religions are formed and used by communities. Articles that translate excerpts/songs/parables from books considered sacred to these sects, showcasing the syncretic or plural base of these groups would also be welcomed. Essays could look at minor faith-systems, at syncretic cults/faiths, or even at the major religions where rituals/beliefs of one religion may be included in another with little or no discomfort to the devotees. The issue aims to reveal the pluralities that exist in the practice of religions in South Asia and thus to negate the idea that religions are homogeneous and monolithic wholes.
Submissions should not exceed 1500 words. We also invite audio-visual submissions (in the form of interviews, conversations etc.) The audio-visual files must not be more than 20 minutes in duration. Photo Essays are also invited with not more than 15 photos in an essay. Please do provide a brief bio at the end of your piece. Since the magazine is geared toward non-academic readers, all footnotes and references must be taken out. The citations within the body of the articles must be minimal, in the form of the name of an author or an idea etc. The issue is planned for online publication on 15 July, 2016. Submissions will be accepted till 15 June, 2016. Please email your submissions to mukherjeesipra@gmail.comwith the subject of the mail as 'cafédissensus submission'.
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Fwd: seeking paper proposals for an SSI Conference panel I Stardust & Ash

Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Monday, May 16, 2016
Better Fellowship Releasing System: Request Regarding...
Date: 16/05/2016
Sub: Better Fellowship Releasing System: Request Regarding
Dear Sir/Madam,
Couple of years back, the fellowship disbursement responsibility was assigned to the Canara Bank which was a shift from the earlier universities system. We were quite hopeful since there were issues related to delay and various irregularities in the university system. It was thought that first week of the month fellowship will be directly credited into scholars' bank accounts. Well, it worked for some time but alas! after then it became even worse than the university system. In the pretext of DBT and PFMS months after months researchers are kept without fellowships. Bank, UGC, Ministries play mutual blame game of funds. So, in the whole process it seems things have not changed a lot. In the university system students used to face delay and now also it's more or less the same the same. Moreover in the university system there were some section where students could go and talk to, here they just wait and wait since calls are unanswered and mails are automatically replied.
In this given scenario, we thought to put our problems together and suggest some measures which if implemented and followed the system can be little better. We hope you read this carefully and think over these suggestions.
STEP I (University Level):
1. Submitting documents once in every three months is quite hectic for many scholars. If the Continuation Report can be submitted in every six months instead of three months.
2. Taking Registrar's signature on every document is quite lengthy process since universities follow huge procedures for Registrar's signature. If this signature can be sorted at department level like Supervisor and Head or may be Dean of the School.
3. Officials dealing with fellowships at various universities need to be sensitised. Many a times they just add to the troubles by their less understanding of the process. If a workshop kind of thing can be arranged by UGC along with the bank officials.
STEP II (Branch Level):
1. Submitting documents at Canara Bank Branches and their uploading takes a lot of time. If a platform can be developed where students can directly upload their documents on their own. It can be re-checked and approved or rejected by the central level bank team.
2. Every document accepting branches of Canara Bank should have a full-fledged Scholarship Section. In the absence of concerned official they misplace or lose documents many a times, delay in uploading and even mistreat students because of other work pressure. The official should also be given proper training in handling fellowship matters.
3. There should be a timeline like maximum one week by which the branches should upload documents without excuses.
STEP III (Main Bank Delhi Level):
1. Urgent need of better customer care system. While we mail our problems we think them to be read properly and don't expect automatized or the same repeated mails. Every mail should be replied properly. Executives should pick up calls and listen to our problems in detail and then answer accordingly.
2. Bank should also pursue UGC and ministries for advance funds so that they can credit students in time. They can't just simply come out saying 'No Funds'. In rare cases they should use their own funds and pay students and later collect from the concerned bodies.
STEP IV (UGC Level):
1. UGC should make sure that there are funds and students are paid fellowship regularly.
2. UGC should initiate a separate cell within SA III to response and solve the problems of fellowships holders instantly.
3. UGC should also build reasonable regulations about Gap Period, Transfer of Fellowship, release of list, award letter etc. without any delay and affecting students at large.
STEP V (Ministries Level):
1. Ministries should not divert the allotted fellowship funds.
2. Ministries must release grants in advance to UGC and Bank.
3. Ministries should have better support system for students through phone and mail.
Finally it's a responsibility of all the bodies to make sure that fellowships are given in the first week of every month and without any delay and at any cost.
We hope you will be able to implement the above mentioned points and will develop a better system for the fellowship release where students will not suffer.
Thank you.
Abu Saleh /09494242645
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Monday, May 9, 2016
A National Conference on “Epic in India: Exploring Variations, Transformations and Mutations” at CCL, UoH
Centre for Comparative Literature
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
A National Conference
"Epic in India: Exploring Variations, Transformations and Mutations"
24 to 26 August 2016
Across cultures, Epic has been celebrated as one of the grand genres. The Epic, either in oral or in written forms exists as a chronicle of a larger society. Epic in India represents the Indian cultural past, replete with various interpolations and interpretations through time. Indian epics are transmuted through centuries and are read not as single texts but different and varied texts in different times, places and contexts. Epic written in India/Indian Subcontinent has invigorated dynamic literary traditions while its narrative form remains the carrier of collective memory of the land and its people, traditions of storytelling, and contains varied forms that are re-enacted in marvelous and multifarious ways. Epic in India has resurrected and offered re-interpretations of the past, forging new identities and creating new histories. It has moved in many directions and undergone several processes of re-creation at ethnic, regional, national and global levels.
This conference seeks to explore the broader canvas of the Epic that has transformed into contemporary social and political narratives. The issues to be addressed in the conference are: reception of Indian epics at home and in the world; the ways different epic traditions have intermingled; what role epic has played in the formation of other genres instituted as they are by multiple and discursive influences and contingencies of reception, its other mutations. The conference will have a special focus on the rewriting of epics through translation and their metamorphosis through folktales. Further, it also seeks to explore how epic can be read in the context of identities and various kinds of struggles in our times.
Abstracts are invited, but not limited to, the following sub themes:
* Epic as a Genre
* Epic Traditions in India
* Multi-genres within Epics
* Epic Structures, Narratives, Styles
* Epic, Poetic Traditions and Orality
* Regional Interpretations of Epics
* Epics in Translations and Adaptations
* Epics in Performance
* Epics and Contingencies of Reception
* Epic and Its Interpolations
* Epic and Folklore, Tribal Epics and Versions
* Epic, Story, Myth, History
* Influences, Counter Influences, Linkages
* Epic as Metaphor in Socio-political Dialogue
* Epic in the Age of New Media
Last Date for Submission of Abstracts : 15 June 2016
Intimation of Selection : 30 June 2016
Submission of Full Papers : 31 July 2016
Conference Coordinator:
Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, Professor & Head, Centre for Comparative Literature, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, India. Email:
Abstracts of around 250-300 words in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format should be emailed to Abu Saleh ( OR
Please write your full name, institution details, contact information in the body of the mail (Not in the Abstract Word Page).
Abstracts will be screened through blind peer review process. Selected authors will be intimated accordingly. Once selected, participants are supposed to submit full papers by the given dates.
The conference will take care of food and accommodation (shared) for outstation participants during the conference days. Accommodation is strictly for the participants and not for accompanying person(s).
Participants are supposed to manage their travel and other expenses.
For any clarifications, please feel free to contact:
CCL Office: 040-2313-3350
Abu Saleh: 09494242645
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
A National Conference on “Epic in India: Exploring Variations, Transformations and Mutations”
Centre for Comparative Literature
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
A National Conference
"Epic in India: Exploring Variations, Transformations and Mutations"
24 to 26 August 2016
Across cultures, Epic has been celebrated as one of the grand genres. The Epic, either in oral or in written forms exists as a chronicle of a larger society. Epic in India represents the Indian cultural past, replete with various interpolations and interpretations through time. Indian epics are transmuted through centuries and are read not as single texts but different and varied texts in different times, places and contexts. Epic written in India/Indian Subcontinent has invigorated dynamic literary traditions while its narrative form remains the carrier of collective memory of the land and its people, traditions of storytelling, and contains varied forms that are re-enacted in marvelous and multifarious ways. Epic in India has resurrected and offered re-interpretations of the past, forging new identities and creating new histories. It has moved in many directions and undergone several processes of re-creation at ethnic, regional, national and global levels.
This conference seeks to explore the broader canvas of the Epic that has transformed into contemporary social and political narratives. The issues to be addressed in the conference are: reception of Indian epics at home and in the world; the ways different epic traditions have intermingled; what role epic has played in the formation of other genres instituted as they are by multiple and discursive influences and contingencies of reception, its other mutations. The conference will have a special focus on the rewriting of epics through translation and their metamorphosis through folktales. Further, it also seeks to explore how epic can be read in the context of identities and various kinds of struggles in our times.
Abstracts are invited, but not limited to, the following sub themes:
* Epic as a Genre
* Epic Traditions in India
* Multi-genres within Epics
* Epic Structures, Narratives, Styles
* Epic, Poetic Traditions and Orality
* Regional Interpretations of Epics
* Epics in Translations and Adaptations
* Epics in Performance
* Epics and Contingencies of Reception
* Epic and Its Interpolations
* Epic and Folklore, Tribal Epics and Versions
* Epic, Story, Myth, History
* Influences, Counter Influences, Linkages
* Epic as Metaphor in Socio-political Dialogue
* Epic in the Age of New Media
Last Date for Submission of Abstracts : 15 June 2016
Intimation of Selection : 30 June 2016
Submission of Full Papers : 31 July 2016
Conference Coordinator:
Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, Professor & Head, Centre for Comparative Literature, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, India. Email:
Abstracts of around 250-300 words in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format should be emailed to Abu Saleh ( OR
Please write your full name, institution details, contact information in the body of the mail (Not in the Abstract Word Page).
Abstracts will be screened through blind peer review process. Selected authors will be intimated accordingly. Once selected, participants are supposed to submit full papers by the given dates.
The conference will take care of food and accommodation (shared) for outstation participants during the conference days. Accommodation is strictly for the participants and not for accompanying person(s).
Participants are supposed to manage their travel and other expenses.
For any clarifications, please feel free to contact:
CCL Office: 040-2313-3350
Abu Saleh: 09494242645
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45