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“Multilingualism and the Literary Culture of India”
27–29 March 2014
Centre for Comparative Literature, UoH, & Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi
School of Humanities’ Auditorium, University of Hyderabad
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Inaugural Session: 03:30 pm
Welcome K. Sreenivasrao, Secretary, Sahitya Akademi
Chair Shiv K. Kumar
Introductory Remarks K. Satchidanandan
Inauguration Harish Trivedi
Key-note Amiya Dev
Guest of Honour Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Vice Chancellor, UoH
Vote of Thanks Amitabha Das Gupta, Dean, School of Humanities
Tea: 05:30 pm - 06:00 pm
Reading Session I: 06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Shiv K. Kumar
Shashi Deshpande
Hoshang Merchant
K. Sridhar
Chair: Sowmya Dechamma
Friday, March 28, 2014
Session I: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Papers M. Sridhar
Scaria Zacharia
Damodar Mauzo
Chair Shashi Deshpande
Tea: 11:30 am - 11:45 am
Session II: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Papers Shivarama Padikkal
Vanamala Viswanath
Chair Avadhesh Kumar Singh
Lunch: 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
Reading Session II: 02:30 pm - 03:30 pm
K. Satchidanandan
E.V. Ramakrishnan
Vanamala Viswanath
Udaya Narayana Singh
Chair: J. Bheemaiah
Tea: 03:30 pm - 03:45 pm
Play Enactment at DST Auditorium, UoH: 06:00 pm
Introduction: B. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, SN School, UoH
Psychosis by Theatre Arts Students
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Session III: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Papers Satchidananda Mohanty
V.B. Tharakeshwar
Chair Damodar Mauzo
Tea: 11:00 am - 11:15am
Session IV: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Papers E.V. Ramakrishnan
Avadesh Kumar Singh
Chair Tutun Mukherjee
Concluding Session: 12:15 pm
Valedictory Address Udaya Narayana Singh
Chair M.T. Ansari
Vote of Thanks Gitanjali Chatterjee, Deputy Secretary, Sahitya Akademi
University of Hyderabad
In association with Prakriti Foundation, Chennai
& Voices from the Waters International Traveling Film Festival
‘H2O,’ i.e. Water in India
Auditorium, School of Humanities, UoH
Tuesday, 11th March, 2014, 2.00 to 5.30 pm
2.00 to 2.45 pm: Water and a City by Swati Dandekar
2.45 to 3.15 pm: Renukaji Dilli Ki Nalon Main by Kurush Canteenwala
3.15 to 3.30 pm: Kahani Pani by Devendra Ghorpade, Prakash Sao, Ufaque Paiker, Arpita Chakraborty
3.30 to 3.35 pm: A Can of Water and Risky Existence by Hemavathy Guha
3.35 to 4.15 pm: Talk and Discussion
4.15 to 4.30 pm: Tea Break
4.30 to 5.00 pm: Deeply Superficial by Veneet Raj Bagga
5.00 to 5.30 pm: Ponds of Bengal by Nilanjan Bhattacharya
All are Invited
Dear Sir,
First of all I would like to inform you that this is not a complaint, rather you can take it as feedback.
Personally I and many others like me are really happy with the service Canara Bank is providing in the disbursement of various government fellowships in India. Probably that’s why HRD and UGC are assigning many such projects to this particular bank. But it has been observed that few branches have made their own rules in many regards. For example recently I called the Delhi main branch and came to know that there are no particular time for document submission, anyone can go within the banking hours and submit. But it’s not being followed causing trouble to students. One branch says that they will take documents in the last hour only. This is not practical as you have assigned only few branches in a state and students can’t wait for that particular time slot. If a student coming from a far off place then it’s really difficult to follow.
The other reason causing late when some official start prioritising works and say ‘we have other things to do, wait’. This is not fair at all. Thus, its humble request from me and on behalf of the whole group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/manfcandidates/) that please make sure any student can get into the branch anytime during working hours and submit his or her documents within few minutes. Hope this will be firmly implemented all over India as early as possible. Thank you.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Writing Workshop
March 28-29, 2014
Research is never a private individual activity isolated from the rest of the community; rather it is a social activity. If research is to realise the goal of expanding the horizon of knowledge, it is necessary to document and share the outcomes of one’s research with the wider community. The most desirable way of sharing one’s research is by way of writing and publishing in academic journals and monographs. This suggests that to be a good researcher, one should be able to write publishable research articles and monographs. Hence it is necessary that a researcher horns his/her writing skills. It is with this end in view that the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi is organising a two-day Research Writing Workshop for PhD Scholars on 28 and 29 March 2014.
As beginners, research students often find writing an intimidating task. This could be due to various reasons: It could be the misunderstanding that a piece of writing emerges fully formed from the mind of the writer. Or it could be one’s obsession with writing something original. It could even be the fear of being criticised and the inability to accept and accommodate criticism. To overcome this, it is necessary to understand the processes of writing and the nature of the steps involved.
The workshop aims to help students develop writing habits and improve their writing so that they can develop their ideas systematically and coherently, and communicate them clearly and efficiently. Experts from academia, journal editors, and the editors from publishing houses will deliberate on the nature of research writing, issues involved, and ways of resolving the problems confronted in a systematic and step by step process.
They will introduce students to techniques of professional writing, ways of time-management in writing, ways of targeting readers, importance of citations and referencing as well as the methods of doing them, and finally the importance of professional ethics in writing and the ways of avoiding plagiarism and other ways of collusion in writing.
Researchers who are in the final stages of research are encouraged to attend the workshop. Those who wish to attend the workshop are required to send in their application along with a statement of purpose, a brief CV, and a copy of one of their unpublished papers. The selection will be made on the basis of a brief CV and the papers received. Submitted papers will be sent to reviewers and their comments and suggestions will be discussed in the workshop and made available to the selected participants. Outstation participants will be provided with TA and local hospitality.
Last date for the receipt of applications: 3rd March, 2014.
Date for the announcement of the list of participants: 8th March, 2014
The application must be sent to:
Professor Purnima Singh
Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Email: psingh@hss.iitd.ac.in