Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Friday, February 28, 2014
World Women Congress 2014 at University of Hyderabad, India
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Jobs at Navodaya...
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Jobs at Kalindi College, Delhi University
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Monday, February 24, 2014
Invitation: CCL Lit Meet... Please Do Come and Inform Others...
Centre for Comparative Literature
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
Lit Meet on the Occasion of Silver Jubilee
Monday, 24th February, 2014, 9 am to 7.30 pm
Auditorium, School of Humanities
University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
9.00 to 9.30 am: Inaugural Session:
Introduction: Bivitha Easo
Chair: Prof. Amitabha Dasgupta, Dean, School of Humanities
Welcome: Prof. M T Ansari, Director, CCL
Inauguration: Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, VC UoH
Vote of Thanks: Abu Saleh
9.30 to 11.00 am: Session I: Chair: Prof. Shashi Mudiraj
Jameela Nishat, Hoshang Merchant, S. Chaturvedi, Tummala Ramakrishna
11.00 to 11.30 am: Tea Break
11.30 am to 1.00 pm: Session II: Chair: Prof. R S Sarraju
Sikhamani Sanjiva Rao, Muzaffar Shahmiri, Harjinder Singh (Laltu), Sridala Swami
1.00 to 2.00 pm: Lunch Break
2.00 to 3.30 pm: Session III: Chair: Prof. Alladi Uma
P. Lalita Kumari (Volga), Gogu Shyamala, M. Sridhar, SKY Baaba
3.30 to 4.00 pm: Tea Break
4.00 to 5.30 pm: Session IV: Chair: Dr. Usha Raman
Padma Shri Mujtaba Hussain, Huma Kidwai, Subadra Joopaka, Khaleed Saeed
5.30 to 6.00 pm: Tea Break
6.00 to 7.30 pm: Session V: Students’ Session: Chair: Prof. Mohan G Ramanan
Aditi Nigam, Aparna Vincent, Avdhesh Jha, Debolina Biswas, Feba Francis, Gankhu Sumnyan, Katika Manohar, Mrudula Bhavani, Nisha Kutty, Rehmatullah Mir, Rongsen Zulu Jamir, Vinayak Kale
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Invitation for International Mother Language Day Programme - Celebrating 'Bhasha'
Dear Mam/Sir,
On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, we invite you with family and friends to an evening of cultural performance and audio visual decor.
By celebrating 'Bhasha' we seek to commemorate the martyrs of 21st February, 1952, Dhaka, who stood against oppressive cultural dictates, gave their lives for it and thereby made a bold statement asserting the right of the people to foster their mother languages. The UoH Bengali community with the assistance of the entire University of Hyderabad fraternity hereby pays homage to the love and deep attachment of the people to their mother languages all over the world.
We reiterate that the events of 1952 erstwhile East Pakistan is not an isolated incident of a particular location but is a well-spring of inspiration to all the people all over the world engaged in preserving their mother language cultures against ever increasing monolingual onslaught – this is our claimer.
The program would consist of an ensemble of songs, elocutions, musicals and drama narrating the trajectory of South Asian performative forms, with special focus on the Eastern part of it, seeking to bring out their wider connections with the diverse cultural traditions of the world; without which the thriving of the former is inconceivable.
Please have look at the trailer of a small documentary we are making.
Link to the FB event:
Also a poster attached.
We look forward to your presence at 6.30 pm this Sunday, 23rd February at the DST Auditorium, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad in our celebration of Bhasa cultures of the world.
Thank you
UoH Bengali Students
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Jobs at Zakir Husain College, Delhi
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Fwd: IAMCR 2014 at Hyderabad: Last Date: 17/02/2014...
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Thursday, February 13, 2014
National Seminar on Feminist Transitions...
UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar
Feminist Transitions
Organized by
School of Languages & Literature
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
10-11 March 2014
Conference Venue: Lecture Hall C, D
School of Languages & Literature
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Kakryal, Katra.
Jammu and Kashmir - 182320
Dear all
It gives us great pleasure to announce that the School of Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University is going to organize a two-day national seminar on Feminist Transitions from 10 to 11 March 2014.
Theme and Objectives
Recent years have seen an unprecedented broadening of feminist issues and
practices. Feminist perspectives have moved across and beyond a number of
established boundaries including geographical, national, economic,
ethnic, political, theoretical, cultural, popular, sexual and gender to
expand the scope of the movement. Now more than ever, there is a need for
an inclusive feminism that sees diversity as strength and engages
productively with the complexities and contradictions of the twenty-first
century. According to Rosalind Gill (2007), “postfeminism is best thought of as a sensibility that characterizes increasing numbers of films, television shows, adverts and other media products” and this sensibility is, “made up of a number of interrelated themes,” which raises issues about how far femininity is perceived as a bodily property ? Is there a shift from objectification to subjectification?
-To what extent emphasis upon self surveillance, monitoring and self-discipline, and a focus on individualism, choice and empowerment been achieved.
This seminar will engage with feminist perspectives on a wide range of social, cultural, theoretical and global transitions that have affected
and/or modified feminisms identity, representation, activism and politics in the twenty first century.
Besides this the seminar hopes to address the following thematic concerns:
· -to debate the state of twenty-first-century feminisms
· to bring feminist and gender-sensitive scholarship into conversation with geographical and social science research on the new times and spaces of contemporary life.
· to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue on the issues facing women’s access to work and education across the globe.
Call for Papers and Guidelines
Aspiring participants are requested to send their abstracts latest by 15th Feb 2014.
Papers should be in MS Word format, Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 space.
Abstracts would be subject to review by a technical committee. Abstracts sent after the
deadline will not be accepted. The word limit for the abstract is 250 and for full paper 2000 words. The time limit for the presentation will be 20 minutes followed by discussion. In addition to these, the following guidelines should be kept in mind:
· Select the theme that best characterizes your research paper. Theme selections will be
used to begin the process of organizing presentations into sessions.
· Proposals related to subthemes other than the ones identified here, could also be
· Papers should be written as continuous expository narratives, not as lists of points or
as Power-Point presentations.
· Authors must ensure the accuracy of citations and quotations.
· Papers submitted for publication must be written according to the latest MLA Style
and must be thoroughly checked and proofread before the submission.
Biographical Information should include the name of the organization or institution in which
you work as also the position or title you hold within the organization/institution and a short
statement of your interests.
Registration Fee
Registration Fee (Local) : Rs. 1500
Registration Fee (Outstation) : Rs. 4000
Mode of Payment
The payment towards registration and accommodation may be sent through the demand draft of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of the Registrar, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, payable at Jammu, J&K or via electronic transfer to account number 0477040100000023 in Jammu and Kashmir Bank {IFSC:JAKA0SMVDUN}.
Deadline for Registration fee : 20 February, 2014
Cheques/ credit cards will not be accepted
Important Instructions
· Boarding will be provided only for registered outstation delegates on prior intimation
latest by 20th Feb.
· Breakfast and dinner will be served in the guesthouse where the participants will be
lodged and working lunch and tea between sessions will be provided by the organisers
at the conference venue.
· Weather in mid-March will be pleasant and warm.
Correspondence: All correspondence relating to the seminar should be addressed to:
Patron: Prof. Sudhir K. Jain
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Chairperson: Prof. V.K Bhat
Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Seminar Director: Dr. Vandhana Sharma
School of Languages & Literature,
Shrri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Treasurer : Dr. Neeru Sharma
Organising Committee
1. Dr. Amitabh V. Dwivedi
2. Dr. Shivani Vashist
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sujit Mukherjee Memorial Lecture...
University of Hyderabad
Centre for Comparative Literature
is pleased to host
Sujit Mukherjee Memorial Lecture
(Eminent Comparatist, Translator, Creative Writer)
Translation and Multilingualism
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy will preside
Monday, 10th February 2014, 4 pm
School of Humanities Auditorium
Followed by Book Release and a Panel Discussion by
Respondent: Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty
Tea Follows… All Are Welcome…
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Publishing in the Present Context...
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
Cordially invites you to a panel discussion on
Publishing in the Present Context
Ms. Mini Krishnan
(Oxford University Press)
Dr. Deepa Chattopadhyay
(Cambridge University Press)
Dr. Madhavi Menon
(Orient Blackswan)
Ms. Rasana Atreya
(Author and Self Publisher)
Monday, 10th February 2014, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Auditorium, School of Humanities
University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
All are Welcome
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Friday, February 7, 2014
Jobs at West Bengal Eduation Service...
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Thursday, February 6, 2014
CCL Silver Jubilee: Lit Meet: UoH Students' Call

Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Jobs at Madurai Kamraj University...
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Seminar at MS University, Baroda...
Department Of English, Maharaja Sayajirao University Of Baroda
24-25 March 2014
In the 1970s and 80s, India experienced a surge of political activism that gave rise to a phenomenon that is today called ‘new social movements’. Centered diversely around identities, languages and inequalities at various levels, these movements forced new questions on the nation. Simultaneously, they reconfigured understandings of the literary and cultural, generated new forms and genres that questioned existing hierarchies. In many ways these movements drew on the energies of the nationalist movement and progressive writers such as Munshi Premchand and Subramania Bharati. Yet, these movements raised new questions and charted new territories. The women’s movements, tribal movements, Dalit movements and regional movements, for instance, were primarily identitarian and had the effect of rendering visibility to oppressed groups. Although direct political activism played a key role at this juncture, cultural and literary movements fed into and shaped frameworks of perception.
Ghanshyam Shah, in his introduction to Social Movements in India: A Review of Literature (2004) has argued, “a study on ‘social movements’ cannot be confined by the boundaries of separate academic disciplines. It should have not so much more of an ‘inter-disciplinary’ approach as understood by academia, as it should be ‘non-disciplinary’ to avoid the burden of one or another discipline.” The fact that disciplinary borders in the academic world gave way precisely around this time went hand in hand with the challenge posed by these movements. Although social and political movements have substantially been examined by historians, sociologists and political scientists, they surely also need a different scrutiny, one which centrally engages the study of new literary movements and schools of creative discourse engendered by New Social Movements. These literary and cultural manifestations embodied upheaval and change and generated styles and idioms that challenged dominant formations in their struggle to represent ideologies of the concerned class, caste or gender. For example, Marathi Dalit poetry spearheaded by the brilliant verse of Namdeo Dhasal comes to mind. As does the work of Mahashweta Devi.
We hope that this seminar revisits that period in order to evaluate the manner in which the social, cultural and literary intersected. Such an endeavor, we feel, would feed into our understanding of our time today. The theorizing of these movements from the standpoint of current frames of reference could be a step in opening up new engagements with text, form, and discourse.
We invite papers that critically engage with the theme of the seminar. Please send abstracts latest by the 10 February 2014, to the conveners Neeti Singh at, Madhurita Choudhury at and Sachin Ketkar at We shall intimate acceptance by 15 February.
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
A Series of Talks by Prof. Milind Wakankar at CCL, UoH...
School of Humanities
University of Hyderabad
Cordially invites you to a series of talks by
Prof. Milind Wakankar
(Ambedkar University, Delhi)
04-02-2014 : "Subalternity at the Cusp: on Birsa Munda"
05-02-2014 : "Bhakti in the History of Conceptuality"
07-02-2014 : "Topics in the New Dalit Critique (Guru-Sarukkai;
Hegel, Heidegger; Patil, Bedekar)"
Everyday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
ASIHSS Hall, School of Humanities
University of Hyderabad
All are Welcome
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45
Jobs at NIRD, Hyderabad...
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45